Welcome to the ETHE Journal Blog

Welcome to ETHE Journal Blog, the official blog of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, ETHE. Our will for internationalization brings in the diversity of research needs and different research concepts from all over the world, at the same time ensuring geographical outreach of the blog.

Our mission reads that we seek to “facilitate the exchange of information….from a variety of perspectives”. This blog is designed to further this exchange in a new way, through creating an open space where researchers, students, educators and others can debate, collaborate, and investigate together. We always seek to empower and support diverse scholarly perspectives from researchers at all points of life, whether PhD student, early career researcher, or experienced academic. Building a community of practice, and of practitioners, is one of the most exciting aspects of this opportunity and we hope you will join us. 

We also welcome contributions from diverse sources, and hope to provide a multimodal experience for our visitors. Within this space, you’ll find videos, audio files, articles, and infographics, and we are keen to explore the potential of live events and discussions, to inform and to inspire. Make sure to contribute to the blog, through comments, social media, and making sure your voice is heard. If you wish to participate, also send us your idea, through the ‘Submit Your Contribution’ section of the blog. We can’t wait to hear from you, and hope that you enjoy the blog!